AN angel come to Earth to help save the world finds himself rescuing one of his own in this fantasy dominated by elaborate CGI effects. Gabriel is an arc angel who like others of his kind periodically takes human form to help battle the forces of darkness, led by Sammael, and rescue humanity from the forces of evil. Gabriel joins six other angels for the latest round of street warfare against the agents of the dark, but en route he encounters Jade, a beautiful angel who has succumbed to the temptations of the world of humans and now supports her heroin habit as a streetwalker. Gabriel is immediately drawn to Jade's troubled soul, and takes it upon himself to bring her back to the forces of good, but his efforts to redeem her threaten to keep him away from his mission to defeat the darkness.
VANHEMPI elokuva illan päätteksi. Muistan kyllä Gabrielin mainokset silloin kun ne aikanaan pyörivät, mutta jäi katsomatta. Nyt sattui silmiin joten päätin katsastaa. Täytyy sanoa että melkoisen tylsä, ihan oikeasti. Hyvä kun jaksoin loppuun asti. ■