
In this chilling story based on real life events a family experience terrifying supernatural occurrences when their son acquires a vintage doll called Robert.
Elokuva perustuu tositarinaan Paulista ja Jennystä, jotka irtisanovat uhkaavan kotiapulaisensa Agathan. Kun talossa alkaa tapahtua merkillisiä asioita, perheen poika Gene syyttää kaikesta nukkea nimeltä Robert, jonka hän on saanut Agathalta. Kukaan ei tahdo uskoa Geneä, vaikka häijyt sattumukset lisääntyvät ja niistä tulee yhä väkivaltaisempia.

TOTAALISEN h-i-d-a-s-t-e-m-p-o-i-n-e-n eikä mitenkään jännittävä, saatikka pelottava. Jotakin odotin oikeasti tapahtuvaksi mutta odotukseksi jäi. Eikä pahemmin nukkeakaan näytetty pahojaan tekemässä, vain pikku välähdyksiä. Ja kun elokuvassa näytetään vielä tapahtumia "kolme viikkoa myöhemmin", ei ollut vaikea arvata mitä tapahtuu. Elokuvan vuokraaminen on rahojen haaskausta. Lontoon murteella enemmän:

"The Robert the Doll movie just came out. Yes, it was an independent film, but the Robert the Doll movie was one big, slow moving cliché of any other scary doll movie ever made.
In fact, the movie follows the path of Annabelle and The Conjuring in a very sloppy way despite Robert the Doll inspiring the Chuckie movies. The only things in common with Chuckie are Robert’s only slight obsession with knives. Chuckle had way more action though. Robert the Doll had no enthusiasm about killing anyone at all. He only tells things to the son, Gene, who only tells his mother late in the movie what is really going on with Robert. He says that Robert is his best friend, which is not only a Chuckie cliché, but one of every other movie that involves kids and evil spirits.
The movie begins the same way as The Conjuring with a psychic saying that it’s the doll that’s possessed, not the house. Then suddenly the newly fired maid gives the possessed doll to Gene as she is leaving. There is so little blood in the movie that my mom could find it fun, and there are no parts that make you jump, so my grandmother can watch it along with her and not have a heart attack. The scene where the new housekeeper slowly puts Robert into the rocking chair is taken straight from The Conjuring. All in all, the Robert the Doll movie just lacks originality.
I wouldn’t recommend spending money or time watching it."



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